Welcome to WinKeyz - Microsoft Certified Partner.

Welcome to WinKeyz - Microsoft Certified Partner.

Return Policy

Return and exchange policy

- The return or exchange of a product is a right for all our customers, and it includes all the products we offer on our shop.

- All the products offered on our shop are subject to the exchange and refund policy according to the terms and conditions stipulated on this page.

- Returns or exchanges can be made if the product is not working or not as described on our product page description.

- Returns are accepted within seven (7) days from the date of purchase.

- Please contact us via the Contact Us page or via our phone numbers to request a return or exchange.

- When appealing a defect of the product you bought, please take a screenshot of your full screen showing the license key and the error you got, and send it to us by email so that it can be replaced by another product or refunded. 

- The amount is fully returned to the customer after we investigate the requested info.

- We are not responsible for expectations of customer use of the products, which we did not mention on the product page on our website.